Politycy nie zabijajcie polskich mediów


Imprezy klubowe, Sopot

Data 12.05.2011 21:00
Miejsce Organica Club
Miejscowość Sopot

łączymy najlepsze, dobraPOGODA dobraMUZYKA i najlepsiLUDZIE !!!

Organica zaprasza na FINEST of HIP-HOP EVERYthursday w rytmach Hip Hop, R'n'B, Rap, Dancehall.

DJ Chill


  • jego przygoda z muzyką zaczęła się w Non-Stop'ie - nieistniejącym już sopockim klubie, o którym coś może powiedzieć każdy trójmiejski imprezowicz. Obecnie ma na swoim koncie imprezy zagrane w największych polskich klubach a także za granicą (Niemcy, Norwegia, Stany Zjednoczone). Jego sety w klimatach Hip-Hop oraz Dancehall przyniosły mu szacunek oraz podziw zarówno u klubowiczów jak i wśród społeczności DJ-ów, Chill znany jest w trójmiejskim świecie klubowym ze znakomitej znajomości tematu.



DJ NOZ comes from Gdansk-Poland however he regularly travels around the country with sets of his record cases. He visits various spots where he treats audience to sounds based on eternally ageless funk and hip-hop music. DJ NOZ joins classics with modern electronic sounds also adding to it dancehall rhythms, guitar riffs and even hot latino tones. As a result of combination of those well-considered mixes with hip-hop style arises explosive dose of dance-urban sounds. In the simplest way it can be defined as a NOZ STYLE. In his nearly 10 years long adventure with dj’ing DJ NOZ was involved in its various branches. He is the author of a series of mixtapes - Mixtyfikacja and Oldies. He has been preparing music to dance and fashion shows, as well as theatre plays - he has performed in the show 12 benches in the Music Theater in Gdynia. He was also providing basketball games, dancing contests and other sport shows with musical setting. For some time DJ NOZ was linked with the music label Wielke Joł. That cooperation has been ended in a fairly rapid way. He was cooperating and performing with many Polish and foreign artists associated with the culture of hip-hop. As the most memorable events DJ NOZ includes performances together with Kurtis Blow, A. Skillz and DJ Sub Zero. His foreign performances in Sweden, Brazil, England, Egypt or Czech Republic can be also easily ranked as successful.

DJ NOZ also deals with the organization of parties and events, where he mainly invites guests from abroad. From time to time you can meet with him in Soundystem together with one of the most interesting Polish rappers – Gural or rising star of Polish rnb - Mrozu. More info and files to download at www.djnoz.blogspot.com, www.djnoz.pl or myspace.com/djnozpl